
George and Gill Bruce 13th September 2016

We were both shocked and deeply saddened to learn of Gordon's death. Someone like Gordon deserved a long and happy retirement. I first met Gordon 50 years ago, when we were both students at Aberdeen University. Gordon was the special one even then, as he was the only biochemist in a group of assorted engineer friends. He was always the kind, calm and moderating influence on the rest of the group. During two summer vacations we joined with 'wee Dave', and the three of us set out to explore Europe, each time in a ramshackle car. These excursions provided many happy experiences and memories. Gordon's pride and joy at that time was a small bright-red Austin 7 car which he had lovingly restored. Fortunately, as it was a two-seater, it never had to suffer the stresses of another 'student expedition' ! Gordon went to Edinburgh to study for his PHD and when I later started working in Edinburgh, we shared a flat with two others. The friendship and fun continued although Gordon's dedication to science meant many trips back to the lab, at unsocial hours, to take care of things he had 'left cooking' ! It was great to see him find so much happiness with you Alison, and subsequently, your girls. One happy man. We only wish that time and circumstances had enabled us to see more of each other over the years. Fondest memories.

£100.00 (+ £25.00 Gift Aid)